GigaTech Products: Your Expert Resource
Our experts are your experts.

With 30 years of experience we know a thing or two
When it comes to optic, cable, and memory solutions, you don’t just want a vendor. You need a partner — preferably one with proven experience and the right priorities. At GigaTech, we’ve been delivering on our customers’ demands for 25 years, with an extensive line of high-quality solutions from leading brands backed by reliable and responsive customer service from our dedicated team.
Trusted Advisor
Only through working together can we all achieve success. We will help you understand which products can be used where, when, and why. We help you look good.
Extensive Product Line
Our solutions cover over 70 manufacturing brands, include over 20,000 items, and span decades of technology. We supply options for almost every Optic, Cable, and Memory need.
Utilize GigaTech as an expert resource for configurations and compatibility
Rely on GigaTech compatible solutions to meet your installation needs for a lower price. With over 100 systems in our testing environment, we ensure our products work with any network.
Pre-Sales Cisco certified engineers on staff to help with design and configuration
Save time and money and let our experts design and configure the right solution to meet the demands of your rigorous technology environment. We’ll help you determine the best products to use, and where to use them. We do the heavy lifting; you look like the hero.
GigaTech Product Advantages
Compatibility Coding
All of our transceivers are coded in house and tested in our extensive test bed to make sure that they operate properly upon installation.
Pre & Post Sales Support
Get live support from experts who actually know what they’re doing. When you reach out to us, we’ll reply — right away.
Cost Effective
Get the products you need quickly, at a fraction of the cost you’d pay for the original manufacturer item.
Low Return Rate
Our products are built in ISO 9001 certified manufacturing facilities using the highest quality components, and pass through an 18 point quality control and testing process.
Consistent Supply Chain
What supply chain issues? We have the on-hand inventory to ship your products without delay.
Guaranteed Lifetime Support
We want your business for life. Which is why we offer guaranteed support throughout the lifecycle of your product.
Consistent Quality Manufacturing
Never Sourced. Never Recycled.
All components in GigaTech Product optics are manufactured under the same roof and represent the gold standard for reliability and consistency in performance. This vertical manufacture chain allows GigaTech to avoid unnecessary variances in transceiver casing or laser quality often found with online resellers who source their components from an ever changing vendor list. The transceiver is guaranteed to be built from A-Stock never used components overseen by GigaTech Products,
Rigorous Testing & Standards Compliance
The quality and standards of our hardware is one the base foundations of GigaTech Products. All of our components comply with MSA (Multi-Source Agreement) output standards and, in many cases, excel beyond those certification standards. Every transceiver we produce is tested on active network devices to ensure they comply with OEM equipment and are verified to be plug-and-play and do not require work arounds.